Weymouth in the rain
Uncategorized | Jul 25, 2017
We went on a visit to Weymouth last week and it rained – a lot. But this didn’t dampen our spirits. Our dream is progressing to plan, although we are still not quite at the stage when we can tell you all about the guest house. We still worry that it will all collapse in a heap (not literally of course!) and don’t want to tempt fate. However I have added a photo of the tiling in the front porch – isn’t it beautiful and all original. A little taster of things to come.

A rainy day in Weymouth
We used this visit to have a good poke about. Everything in the kitchen will be ours including a seven-burner range cooker and beautiful retro-looking mixer. Perfect for making the home-made biscuits I plan to give our guests. We measured up our flat and decided where our furniture may go and what we will need to sell or give away (lots I fear!). We opened cupboards to check what storage we will actually have and I think agreed to differ on the amount. I think it’s adequate but Andy not so sure. One thing is certain we will need to have a good clear out before we move!

Beautiful Victorian tiling
The other purpose of the visit was to view the potential school for Chloe. The timing won’t be perfect and she will start at the local secondary in September, all the time knowing it will be all change again soon after. This makes us feel so guilty and we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are doing the right thing, making the right decision for us and for Chloe. The school is in our catchment and on a bus route. As a sports academy it is big! Secondary, primary, nursery and special needs all on the one campus and sharing some of the facilities – there were little ones eating in the canteen while we were visiting, which Chloe loved. Fair to say Chloe was initially overwhelmed and very quiet. We were shown around by the Deputy Head and we both watched Chloe as much as looking at the facilities. It is fairly old school (‘scuse the pun), smells exactly as we both remembered school smelling, but of course has everything she will need including indoor tennis courts! All continued to be quiet and watchful until we arrived at the animal area – snakes being fed mice for dinner, a chinchilla, huge tropical fish and the offer of being able to take the guinea pigs home in the holidays clinched the deal! You never know maybe a vet or veterinary nurse in the making!
We ended the evening sheltering from the rain with a pot full of 2p’s in the arcade. Time for Chloe. Satisfied that it is the right decision, the right area and the right house. Watch this space and please keep everything crossed for us!
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